The basis and backbone of Sammon's committed project delivery schedules and track record is its committed resources.
Sammon believes that manpower is the soul of any organisation and its most important resource. Sammon has on its payroll handpicked and dedicated personnel. They range from:
Our Human resources are trained regularly for various aspects of their functions, since Sammon believes that staying ahead in new knowledge is a Keystone to survival in todays' competitive and technology driven business.
The long innings put in by many of our team members is testimony to our HR relations. The dedicated manpower has known to take up and successfully execute projects in some of the most challenging conditions, where even some of the well known market leaders have failed.
One of the important factors which contribute to Sammon's project success in almost any job is the fact that Sammon believes in owning its key equipment. This self sufficiency in its equipment base has given Sammon a rock - stable foundation to deliver to its clients in a time bound and cost effective way.
To carry out the wide variety of tasks and items at hand in any project, Sammon owns and maintains the latest and state of the art equipment.
In the field of Civil engineering, there can be no alternative to experience. Sammon realized this and the fact that indeed consultants with world class exposure can give the organization a cutting edge.With this in view, Sammon has extensive tie ups with renowned consultants, who are themselves masters in their respective fields.Sammon has tie ups from various government, semi-government and individual organizations for their project and design related support.
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