As an integral approach to construction, Sammon believes in working from grass root levels upwards, giving it unparalleled self sufficiency amongst competitors which enables us to carry out the projects in an assured, time bound and cost effective manner even in the toughest of conditions. Sammon is fully geared up to take up works in the following 'niche' areas:
This is an important part of Transportation, Irrigation and Power Projects.Sammon has worked in these areas, in the most diverse geological conditions ranging from the most rugged Himalayan Geology to the toughest Granite formations in Andhra Pradesh .From the tunnels in dense inhabitable forests to those in urban areas, Sammon is a proud partner in the national/ regional development.
Sammon has bagged and constructed tunnels on EPC (Design and Build basis) in direct competition with foreign consultants, instilling confidence in our clients. Thorough understanding of the geology has helped us overcome all design and geological difficulties.
Bidding and constructing for a wide range of tunnel projects like; Road Tunnels, Metro Tunnels, Hydropower Tunnels(many of them on our own designs) and closely working with highly experienced Consultants with international exposure has given us an in depth understanding of Tunnel building
As methods for tunnel building evolve very rapidly, we have kept ourselves abreast of the latest international developments, upgrading our construction skills. For example, Using the 'New Austrian Tunnel Method' (NATM) in lieu of Conventional tunneling methods.
Mining is an important industry for nation building. It is important to make optimum use of the natural mineral resources available. Sensing an opportunity for relatively unorganized sector at that time, Sammon entered into this field in its early days and quickly demonstrated how deep knowledge of mining could bring down production costs. With its team of expert mining managers Sammon could optimize the costs per metric ton using advanced drill-blast techniques, etc.The works carried out include iron ore mining and large scale quarrying and crushing operations for the highways.
Rapid growth in the field of gas transportation (through pipeline), National Telecom policy led Sammon to venture into this field. Here too, Sammon demonstrated that by slightly adapting its site resources it could achieve high levels of productivity, which was appreciated by the clients.
Sammon's specialization and knowledge of various forms of rock excavation methods make it superior to its competition. Sammon has carried out cross country pipeline trenching across the rugged mountains of western Maharashtra and large scale OFC trenching and laying along many National Highways, ghats,etc.
Water is the lifeline of any developing country . Since its early days and on the basis of knowledge base and experience of the promoters ,Sammon took up the challenging work of designing and constructing water and sewage treatment plants to Industries,townships,municipal corporations etc,. This has included 'green inititives' like Root zone technology.
Armed with a broad base of experience, sammon has carried out development works for industries,educational townships,including roads, landscaping, Land granding, water retaining structures, boundary walls,etc.
As a part of its business strategy,Sammon has recently diversified into the field of Real estate. It envisions to give premium commercial spaces as well as affordable housing schemes to its clients.
We're Trying Our Bests to Deliver Our Customers Real High Quality Products with Unlimited Features & Options